


Experience cross-cultural, transformative consulting and learning that integrates energy, leadership, and effective communication for success at all levels.

Soraya Sarif

With over 20 years of Experience in Supporting Change and Transformation through Experiential Learning and Communications Strategies, Soraya’s specialisation in Personal and Organisational Development combines a deep knowledge and appreciation for Neuro-Leadership principles with human-centred design and delivery of Learning Platforms, Events, and Programmes for social impact.

Combining Leadership Development with concepts of Intention and Energy are an edgy but uncompromising approach to Holistic Decision-Making, Performance, and future-focused Work-Life Balance.

Areas of Specialty:

Holistic Leadership

Soraya Sarif’s journey into the realm of energy healing modalities began with a profound passion and curiosity about energy sensitivity from an early age. This fascination led her to explore various modalities, studying and practicing different techniques to harness and channel this universal life force. As Soraya delved deeper into the world of energy healing, she recognized its immense potential for holistic leadership development. Drawing on her expertise in both energy healing and leadership, she developed learning interventions specifically designed for leaders.

Through these interventions, Soraya empowers leaders to make better decisions by tapping into their own energetic awareness. She guides them in understanding how their energy impacts their decision-making process, enabling them to align their choices with greater clarity and intuition. Strategic communication is another crucial aspect that Soraya addresses in her holistic leadership development programs. By incorporating energy awareness into communication practices, leaders learn how to effectively convey their messages while establishing authentic connections with others.

Managing one’s own energy and focus is essential for effective leadership. Soraya equips leaders with tools and techniques to optimize their personal energy levels, enabling them to maintain peak performance while avoiding burnout or overwhelm.Furthermore, Soraya emphasizes the importance of incorporating energy awareness when managing teams. Leaders learn how to create an environment that fosters positive energies within the team dynamics, enhancing collaboration, creativity, and overall performance.

In essence, through her unique blend of expertise in both energy healing modalities and leadership development principles, Soraya Sarif provides transformative learning experiences for leaders. Her interventions enable them to make better decisions aligned with their authentic selves while strategically communicating with impact. By managing their own energies effectively and incorporating this awareness into team management practices, leaders can create thriving environments that drive success at all levels.

Stakeholder Engagement & Diplomatic Relations

Soraya Sarif is a highly experienced professional in the field of communications, renowned for her expertise in stakeholder engagement, fostering inclusion, and developing strategies to effectively engage stakeholders. With a deep commitment to building bridges and transcending borders, she has dedicated her career to promoting cross-cultural understanding and reducing barriers while enhancing stakeholder relationships.

Drawing on her extensive knowledge of communication practices, Soraya excels at crafting compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. She understands that effective communication is key to engaging stakeholders and creating meaningful connections. By leveraging her exceptional skills in stakeholder engagement, she develops strategies that not only meet their needs but also exceed their expectations.

In addition to her proficiency in stakeholder engagement, Soraya brings a unique perspective to the table through her involvement in diplomatic relations and advisory roles. Her deep understanding of cultural nuances allows her to navigate complex international landscapes with finesse while fostering collaboration across borders.

One area where Soraya truly shines is in developing strategies for effective stakeholder engagement. Recognizing the importance of empathy-driven approaches, she designs experiences that prioritize understanding and cater to the unique needs of stakeholders from different backgrounds. By placing herself in their shoes, she creates inclusive environments where stakeholders feel valued and understood.

Soraya’s dedication to excellence extends beyond traditional communication practices as she actively seeks opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration. Through dialogue facilitation and open-mindedness promotion, she fosters an environment conducive to heightened cross-cultural understanding.

With each project she undertakes, Soraya strives for excellence while prioritizing stakeholder satisfaction at every step. Her ability to develop strategies for effective stakeholder engagement sets her apart as a leader who understands the power of communication in transcending borders and building lasting connections between individuals from diverse cultures.